
The latest version of Alchemist can be downloaded below, along with previous versions:–geSRC40qWv800HqA

Version History

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Alpha support for bone overrides in animations

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Fixed Delete Layer button tooltip
  • Added keybind CTRL+SHIFT+Q to attempt to best-fit UI columns to current window width
  • Added Left/Right Hand IK Target Overrides (Alchemist will use global IK settings unless override is set)
  • Added logging

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Fixed global settings not correctly updating in UI when a project was loaded (they would apply, but wouldn’t show as updated)
  • Added Delete Button to layers
  • Added keybind to delete selected animations on pressing Delete

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Project file now holds all settings
  • Added shortcuts to Save/Save (CTRL+S or CTRL+SHIFT+S)
  • Added ability to copy/paste animations (CTRL+C and CTRL+V)
  • Added buttons for loading, saving, and saving as current project
  • Added option for output format to prepare for newer formats
  • Added option to set global prefix/suffix
  • Updated titlebar with current loaded project and version
  • Added failsafe on crash to attempt save current project to Backup.aprj
  • Added example projects

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Apply notetracks to output animations

Alchemist UI Alpha Update:

  • Initial Release